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avril lavigne fall of pieces

I looked away
Then I look back at you
You try to say
The things that you can't undo
If I had my way
I'd never get over you
Today's the day
I pray that we make it through

Make it through the fall
Make it through it all


And I don't wanna fall to pieces
I just want to sit and stare at you
I don't want to talk about it
And I don't want a conversation
I just want to cry in front of you
I don't want to talk about it
Cuz I'm in Love With you

Versuri Avril Lavigne - *fall to pieces
de pe www.versuri.ro
You're the only one,
I'd be with till the end
When I come undone
You bring me back again
Back under the stars
Back into your arms


Wanna know who you are
Wanna know where to start
I wanna know what this means

Wanna know how you feel
Wanna know what is real
I wanna know everything, everything

[Chorus without last line]


I'm in love with you
Cuz i'm in love with you
I'm in love with you
I'm in love wïth you

Albumul selectat nu contine nici o poza.

Comentarii album • 4
melissa 5 February 2011  
nu am cuvinte,glumesc
lovekesha 6 February 2011  
nici nu cred ca ai inteles mare lucru din el:D
cris 3 February 2011  
e super!!as vrea sa il invat!!
lovekesha 3 February 2011  
poi inavata-l nu te tine nimeni;)
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